
EXPOSANITÀ Bologna fairs

La Posturale by AGARfit will be present at this important event!

The 23rd edition of Exposanità, scheduled from 17 to 19 April 2024 at BolognaFiere, will focus on the relevance of human resources and the increase in skills as key elements to guarantee the quality and solidity of the National Health Service (NHS). This event, in addition to acting as a commercial exchange platform, constitutes an opportunity for discussion and growth for operators in the health and social care sector. The communication campaign emphasizes the importance of health professionals and their fundamental role. The image of the origami that transforms into a heart symbolizes Exposanità’s intent to support professionals in the adoption of new solutions, skills and motivations, to contribute to the evolution of healthcare services. The convergence between market solutions and professional dedication is seen as essential for the progress of the sector.